Quick tip – going organic

Quick tip – going organic

A benefit of using hardwood planter boxes to grow vegetables and fruits is that you’re able to produce flavourful, home grown produce – organically. If you want to go organic with your boxes, it is easy to set up. Start by filling your boxes with organic mushroom compost, with a couple handfuls of pelletised chicken manure thrown in. Chose plants and seedlings that are certified organic, and to keep them thriving give them regular doses of a liquid organic plant food (such as Nitrosol) or fish-based fertiliser.

Examples of recent custom work

DSC_2077 DSC_2086These are some photos of custom planter boxes made recently. If you have a particular design in mind, or size to suit your space why not enquire about a custom planter box.

For custom sizing and specifications, please visit this page for details.

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Growing strawberries

Growing strawberries

Strawberries are a family favourite, and never taste better than when they are home grown. To grow strawberries in your planter boxes, follow these tips:

  • In Melbourne, it is best to plant strawberries in late winter to early spring. In warmer climates, they can be planted earlier.
  • Place your planter box in a sunny position.
  • Place the plants around 30cm apart to allow them room to grow.
  • An organic soil, such as mushroom compost, mixed with a shovelful of manure will be a good soil for the strawberries to grow.
  • Surround the plants with a good quality mulch, such a sugar cane mulch.
  • Strawberries like plenty of water, but try not to wet the leaves too much. A spray with seaweed fertiliser twice a month will help the strawberries growth.

Enjoy your fresh strawberries!

Planter box idea – BBQ herbs

Planter box idea – BBQ herbs

There is nothing nicer than having your own box of fresh herbs, ready for use in cooking. Why not fill your planter box with herbs perfectly suited to BBQing? Herbs are great as a seasoning or marinade when cooking, but fresh herbs straight onto the grill will take your food to the next level!

If you’re using a Weber, soak the herbs in water for a few minutes then throw them straight on the coals so they smoke and add a delicious aroma to your food. The woodier herbs are best for this – thyme, sage, oregano and tarragon.

Try a sprig of rosemary or a handful of chopped parsley on top on veggies on the grill, or add fresh oregano to skewered meats for a flavour-hit.

Tips for thriving veggies

Tips for thriving veggies

These are my easy steps to get your vegetables started, and help you make the most of your veggie planter box.

  • Place your planter box in a nice, sunny position that is protected from the wind. 6-8 hours of direct sun is ideal for vegetables.
  • Different vegetables prefer different conditions – make sure the ones you plant are suitable for the time of year. For example, eggplants can’t tolerate frost so make sure to put them in only once the weather has started to warm up.
  • Good soil is essential for veggie growth. Organic compost (such as mushroom compost), manure and sugar cane mulch are readily available at the hardware or garden store and make a great base for veggies. Add a handful or blood and bone or worm casing for extra nutrition.
  • Too much manure as compost will encourage leaf growth instead of fruit due to the high nitrogen content, so use around 2kg per square metre of soil. Use Mushroom compost for the balance.
  • Mulch reduces the amount of water evaporating from the soil, and provides valuable nutrients for the plants. Add a layer of sugar cane mulch to your veggie box.
  • Make sure to water your veggies regularly! Watering the soil, rather than the leaves, will help to prevent leaf fungal diseases.

Enjoy your delicious, home-grown veggies!

Planter box idea – jasmine

Planter box idea – jasmine

Have you got a fence or wall at your place that could use some decoration? What better way to hide it than with jasmine! With large clusters of white flowers and an amazing, sweet fragrance, jasmine will cheer up any house!

Place your planter box against the wall or fence, and run some horizontal wire at a couple different heights, or trellis for the jasmine to climb. Plant the jasmine along the back of the planter box, and some bright flowers along the front. As the jasmine grows, wrap the vines around the wire or trellis to encourage it to cover the whole area.

Fruit trees in boxes

Fruit trees in boxes

Fruit trees are so decorative and look great in planter boxes, whether they are providing street appeal by framing your front door or adding interest to your balcony or courtyard. Just because space is limited, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy fruit from your own trees!

  • Lots of fruit trees come in “dwarf” varietals, such as Dwarf Apple ‘Anna’ – perfect for pots or planter boxes. These plants produce full size fruit, it is just the plant that has a smaller growth habit.
  • Use a high quality potting mix, and mix in a controlled release fertiliser for fruit and citrus trees. Make sure not to exceed the recommended dosage, otherwise you will damage the plant roots.
  • When planting the fruit tree, make sure the soil level is the same as the original pot.
  • Add a layer of mulch around the tree to help retain water in the soil.
  • Give your newly planted trees a good water after planting, and .
  • For best results, fertilise your fruit trees at the start of spring, summer and autumn and replant every 2-3 years with fresh soil.